28 research outputs found

    La condición internacional

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    En el marco de una reflexión de la permeabilidad de las fronteras en un mundo globalizado, el presente trabajo llama la atención sobre los nuevos modos de construir la nacionalidad y la inter-nacionalidad hoy. Si la primera remite en los estados de habla hispana a los procesos migratorios y a la pluralidad interna, la segunda demanda una revalorización de dichos factores que permita fundar el estado de bienestar no en una legislación punitiva y en una militarización extrema, sino en la defensa jurídica de los derechos humanos y en la aceptación política de las mezclas y las diferencias culturales. En este sentido, se hace imprescindible el diálogo entre los Estados Unidos, Europa y América Latina, las tres isntancias implicadas en occidente en la cimentación de esa condición internacional cuya vigencia ni el mercado ni los medios de comunicación permiten cuestionar. Esto es, comprender el carácter trasatlántico de la cultura que relaciona estos tres polos y que ha de apostar por el derecho, la educación y el papel activo de la juventud como agentes del cambio.In the framework of the reflection about the permeability of boundaries in a globalised world the current study draws attention to the new ways of constructing nationality and internationality nowadays. The former refers to migration and inner diversity in the Spanish-speaking countries, whereas the latter requires a revaluation of both factors, which will ensure welfare not through an extreme militarization but through a legal defense of human rights and through the political awareness and acceptance of mixtures and cultural differences. In this respect, dialogue between the United States, Europe and Latin America becomes essential since these are the authorities which are involved in the laying of foundations of an international character in the Western World. Neither the demand of market nor the reality of the mass media allow to question the validity of the afore-mentioned international nature. It is essential then to understand the deep implications of the development of a transatlantic culture as it is also necessary that this give strong support to law, education and youth as the main possible change agents.Proyecto LETRA

    El cuatrimestre de la COVID-19 en la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores: reflexiones sobre la incidencia de la pandemia en la docencia universitaria

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado de forma significativa a la docencia de las asignaturas universitarias del segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2019-20 y del primer cuatrimestre del 2020-2021. Así, se ha requerido usar plataformas para impartir las asignaturas a través de videoconferencias, grabar las clases, y elaborar y realizar exámenes no presenciales. En particular, las circunstancias que acompañan la evaluación no presencial han generado situaciones que deben analizarse en el ámbito de la relación estudiante-profesor y estudiante-estudiante, precisamente en un contexto en el que la limitada interacción a distancia entre docentes y estudiantes ha dificultado en muchos casos alcanzar el nivel de confianza necesario para lograr los niveles de aprendizaje que se conseguían a través de clases presenciales. Esta situación se ha sido evidente en asignaturas con grupos muy numerosos, tal y como ocurre en el caso de la asignatura Arquitectura de Computadores del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Granada, que se considera en este artículo.The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the teaching of university subjects in the second quarter of the 2019-20 academic year and the first quarter of 2020-2021. Thus, it has been necessary to use technological platforms to teach the subjects through videoconferences, to record the classes, and to prepare and carry out remote exams. In particular, the circumstances that accompany the remote assessment have generated situations that must be analysed in the area of the student-teacher and student-student relationships, precisely in a context in which the limited distance interaction between the teacher and his or her students has made it difficult in many cases to achieve the level of confidence achieved through face-to-face classes. This situation has been clearly evident in subjects with very large groups, as has been the case with the Computer Architecture subject of the degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Granada, which is considered in this paper.Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de ComputadoresPGC2018-098813-B-C31 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y fondos FEDER)

    Many-Objective Cooperative Co-evolutionary Feature Selection: A Lexicographic Approach

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    This paper presents a new wrapper method able to optimize simultaneously the parameters of the classifier while the size of the subset of features that better describe the input dataset is also being minimized. The search algorithm used for this purpose is based on a co-evolutionary algorithm optimizing several objectives related with different desirable properties for the final solutions, such as its accuracy, its final number of features, and the generalization ability of the classifier. Since these objectives can be sorted according to their priorities, a lexicographic approach has been applied to handle this many-objective problem, which allows the use of a simple evolutionary algorithm to evolve each one of the different sub-populations.Project TIN2015-67020-P (Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”)Project PGC2018-098813-B-C31 (Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades”)European Regional Development Funds (ERDF

    Una iniciativa para la coordinación y difusión de la docencia del perfil de Ingeniería de Computadores del Grado de Informática de la UGR

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    En este trabajo se presentan las II Jornadas de Coordinación Docente y de Empresas organizadas por el Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, que en esta edición se han centrado fundamentalmente en las características del perfil de Ingeniería de Computadores del Grado de Informática de la ETSIIT de Granada y en las posibilidades profesionales que ofrece. Se trata de una iniciativa para estimular la coordinación entre los profesores que imparten asignaturas dentro del perfil más afín al departamento, para difundir y acercar los contenidos de dichas asignaturas a los alumnos, y para promover la participación de las empresas del sector en este tipo de eventos. Concretamente, en este trabajo se muestra el por qué y cómo surgieron estar jornadas, cómo se han organizado para lograr los objetivos propuestos, el portal Web creado para su gestión y las principales conclusiones derivadas de la celebración de las mismas.This paper shows the II Conference on Educational Coordination and Enterprises, organized by the Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology, which this year have focused on the characteristics of the Computer Engineering profile in Computer Sciences Grade (Granada University) and the analysis of the possible career paths. In this regard, the objectives are encouraging the coordination between the department faculty, dissemination and promotion the course content to students and promote the participation of enterprise in these events. Particularly here we show the foundation and goals of this conference, how they are organized to achieve the objectives, the webpage designed to manage the conference and the main conclusions from the meeting.Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores. Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    A new multi-objective wrapper method for feature selection – Accuracy and stability analysis for BCI

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    Feature selection is an important step in building classifiers for high-dimensional data problems, such as EEG classification for BCI applications. This paper proposes a new wrapper method for feature selection, based on a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, where the representation of the individuals or potential solutions, along with the breeding operators and objective functions, have been carefully designed to select a small subset of features that has good generalization capability, trying to avoid the over-fitting problems that wrapper methods usually suffer. A novel feature ranking procedure is also proposed in order to analyze the stability of the proposed wrapper method. Four different classification schemes have been applied within the proposed wrapper method in order to evaluate its accuracy and stability for feature selection on a real motor imagery dataset. Experimental results show that the wrapper method presented in this paper is able to obtain very small subsets of features, which are quite stable and also achieve high classification accuracy, regardless of the classifiers used.Project TIN2015-67020-P (Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad”)European Regional Development Funds (ERDF

    Multiprotocol Authentication Device for HPC and Cloud Environments Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Multifactor authentication is a relevant tool in securing IT infrastructures combining two or more credentials. We can find smartcards and hardware tokens to leverage the authentication process, but they have some limitations. Users connect these devices in the client node to log in or request access to services. Alternatively, if an application wants to use these resources, the code has to be amended with bespoke solutions to provide access. Thanks to advances in system-on-chip devices, we can integrate cryptographically robust, low-cost solutions. In this work, we present an autonomous device that allows multifactor authentication in client–server systems in a transparent way, which facilitates its integration in High-Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud systems, through a generic gateway. The proposed electronic token (eToken), based on the system-on-chip ESP32, provides an extra layer of security based on elliptic curve cryptography. Secure communications between elements use Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) to facilitate their interconnection. We have evaluated different types of possible attacks and the impact on communications. The proposed system offers an efficient solution to increase security in access to services and systems.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN) PGC2018-096663-B-C44European Union (EU

    Energy-aware Load Balancing of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms with Heavy Fitness Functions in Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Architectures

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    By means of the availability of mechanisms such as Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and heterogeneous architectures including processors with different power consumption profiles, it is possible to devise scheduling algorithms aware of both runtime and energy consumption in parallel programs. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a multi-objective (more specifically, a bi-objective) approach to distribute the workload among the processing cores in a given heterogeneous parallel CPU-GPU architecture. The aim of this distribution may be either to save energy without increasing the running time or to reach a trade-off among time and energy consumption. The parallel programs considered here are master-worker evolutionary algorithms where the evaluation of the fitness function for the individuals in the population demands the most part of the computing time. As many useful bioinformatics and data mining applications exhibit this kind of parallel profile, the proposed energy-aware approach for workload scheduling could be frequently applied.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grant TIN2015-67020-PERDF fun

    Time-energy Analysis of Multilevel Parallelism in Heterogeneous Clusters: the Case of EEG Classification in BCI Tasks

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    Present heterogeneous architectures interconnect nodes including multiple multi-core microprocessors and accelerators that allow different strategies to accelerate the applications and optimize their energy consumption according to the specific power-performance trade-offs. In this paper, a multi-level parallel procedure is proposed to take advantage of all nodes of a heterogeneous CPU-GPU cluster. Two more alternatives have been implemented, and experimentally compared and analyzed from both running time and energy consumption. Although the paper considers an evolutionary master-worker algorithm for feature selection in EEG classification, the conclusions from the experimental analysis here provided can be frequently applied, as many other useful bioinformatics and data mining applications show the same master-worker profile than the classification problem here considered. Our parallel approach allows to reduce the time by a factor of up to 83, with only about a 4.9% of energy consumed by the sequential procedure, in a cluster with 36 CPU cores and 43 GPU compute units.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under grant PGC2018-098813-B-C31ERDF fun

    Reflexiones sobre el EEES tras los primeros cursos de la asignatura Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Han pasado ya algunos cursos académicos desde que empezaron a impartirse en la Universidad de Granada estudios de grado según las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). En el caso del grado en Ingeniería Informática, este curso 2015/2016 terminará la tercera promoción. En este artículo, tras resumir los objetivos de la denominada reforma de Bolonia, se describen algunas de las situaciones en las que se ha traducido la implementación de la reforma en nuestro país. Para extraer algunas de las conclusiones del artículo se ha tomado como referencia la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores de segundo del grado en Ingeniería Informática que está siendo impartida por varios de los autores del artículo.It has been several academic years since the beginning of study programmes at the University of Granada according to the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area. In this paper, after summarizing the main objectives of the so-called Bologna reform, some of the consequences of its implementation in Spain are described. Moreover, the subject of Computer Architecture, taught in the second course by some of the authors of the paper, is considered as a reference to extract some of the conclusions of the paper.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Motivación para la Ingeniería de Computadores

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    Los estudios de Ingeniería de Computadores proporcionan competencias que permiten participar en el desarrollo de los actuales y futuros sistemas de cómputo, con una incidencia importante en el entorno socioeconómico, y por tanto con posibilidades profesionales relevantes. Este artículo incluye consideraciones y argumentos para facilitar, a los profesores involucrados en la docencia de asignaturas relacionadas con la Ingeniería de Computadores, la labor de motivación de los estudiantes. En particular se proporcionan algunas estrategias docentes para la motivación y se ilustra su uso en la docencia del lenguaje ensamblador y de los modelos de consistencia de memoria.Computer engineering courses and degrees provide competencies to be involved in the development of present and future computer systems, with a relevant effect in social and economical contexts, and interesting professional opportunities for students. This paper provides some considerations and arguments to make it easier for teachers involved in subjects related with computer engineering topics to motivate their students. More specifically, the use of some motivation strategies for teaching assembly languages and memory consistency models are described.Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores y Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad de la Universidad de Granada